Guest Speakers
Patrick Erlandson
Adam Dodge
Kids' lives have gone digital - Parenting hasn’t
Alan Smyth
Future Fathers
Alan Smyth & Jessica Midkiff
What Future Fathers need to know
Antonio D. Charity
Mentors Matter
Diana Redeemer& Steve Meyers
Foster Fathers Changing Lives
Danny Buchanan
Men's Purity
Dorothy Daniels
The real good of fostering - founder Fostering Unity
Harold D’Souza
Dr. Jeffrey Brodsky
Jim Carson & Maui Chacon
John Pulley
Losing control in a hyper-sexual world - getting real.
John Van Arnam
The Third Talk™: The pornography prevention conversation for parents and their young people
John Ytreus
Faith and Fatherhood -
A Biblical perspective
Juan Saldana
Formando Familias Saludables
Kendra Tenkersley - Davis, MS
Dating, Boundaries, Single Parents, and Divorce
Mark Marciel
After incarceration - Fathers coming home
Mark Reel Jr., ESQ
The Right to Be a Father: The Law, the System, and Modern Science Supporting the Need for Fathers
Mark Winkler
Embracing A New Understanding Of Masculinity
Dr. Sam Serio
How to help men with their sexual secrets or Struggles
The effect of sexual issues on spouses
Terry Boykins
Finances and the Man Plan
Yusef Miller
Engaging Men -
What men can do to end human trafficking