Jim Carson & Maui Chacon

Title of workshop:

Trafficking here and now Children being trafficked in our communities - the reality


Jim Carson

Jim is the CEO of Survivor2Leader, an organization which serves children and young adults who are or have experienced a life of being trafficked. He has worked at Covenant House, Crittenton Children’s Services and the Orangewood Foundation and has been doing this work for 30 years. He has worked with thousands of foster youth and trafficking survivors, trained police, first responders, social service workers, and many others who ser this population.

Maui Chacon

Maui grew up in the foster care system and is a survivor of childhood trafficking. She is a strong young woman, and amazing mom, and now serves children and young adults who are victims of sex trafficking or are in the foster care system in Los Angeles. She works for Saving Innocence and is a role model for all those children who are experiencing growing up in a broken home.